Don’t stop Believing!

I streamed a Journey concert this past weekend. One of their songs, “Don’t Stop Believing” contains a refrain this is repeated a number of times, “Some will Win and Some will lose”. The phrase itself is reality as we know but the title “Don’t stop Believing” is the inspiration. I’ve been checking in with past clients to see how see how their coping during the pandemic. Some are businesses that were defined as essential during this crises while others relying on online sales and creativity to survive. The one constant that has resonated on these calls is optimism. The soul of an independent business owner is resiliency. They have weathered others storms both personal and business and survived. Many have become creative in finding new ways to stay connected to customers which is the core of the entrepreneurial spirit. I want to salute all independent businesses especially retailers for their resolve to survive. Retail is the biggest driver of the US economy.

Don’t Stop Believing!