Retail is location, location, location or is it?

We all agree that one of the main criteria for retail is retail. Chains spend a lot of money and time analyzing data on where to locate store new stores. The independent retailer has fewer resources  and has to base the decision on where to locate a new store on gut instinct and intuition many times. The emergence of the mobile customer has level the playing field a bit.  Understanding how a millennial interacts with retailers is one of the new paradigms of retail.

–          They are heavily influenced by social engagement with a store

–          Most millennials own a least five mobile devices

–          Your website needs to be mobile enabled

–          They want to make informed purchasing decision and have access  current pricing

–          Instagram is growing rapidly in user acceptance by millennials

–          They still use Facebook despite recent reports

–          They want to interact with stores and communicate their experience

Learn how to play in their sandbox if you want reach them.

One last thought, good customer service is still the number one customer influencer.